The Shepherd’s Almanac

The book Shepherd’s Almanac took shape over the course of four years and follows up on
the first volume of The Shepherd’s Almanac that was published in 2012. Although it is written
in the Czech language, we believe that the contributors to this book who do not speak
the language will nonetheless value its qualities, which are in many regards exceptional.
We aren’t interested in the adoration of sheep or in pastoralism as a phenomenon; our full
focus — with slight exceptions — is on the figure of the shepherd.

Shepherd, To Banditry!

The text takes the name Shepherd, To Banditry!, actual possibility of pastoral subversion. One
part of book is focused on the conflict between shepherds and the virtual world. Other parts
of the book deal with the landscape and movement, shepherds’ relationships with music and
other art forms, ritual and pastoral transcendence, and the conflict between shepherds and
regular war. Given that the pastoral phenomenon is very diverse, covering an immense scope
of space and time, this text cannot be taken as universal and has limited validity. The essence
of this statement is our actual movement over the landscape with herds of sheep and goats,
our individual shepherding sojourn in a given place at a given time.
